
Riordan Boosts Fire Officials’ Efforts to Clear Brush

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Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan issued a “declaration of urgent necessity” Friday to aid the Fire Department in its efforts to clear brush as this year’s fire season draws near.

The declaration will allow the city Fire Department to temporarily waive requirements for competitive bids in selecting contractors to remove overgrown vegetation.

Fire Chief William Bamattre said the move will open up the potential field of clearance contractors to include those not certified by the city. The department has said that it has been limited in how fast in can clear brush because there are only a few certified contractors to do the work.


“It’s cutting red tape and doing what’s in the interest of public safety,” said Riordan spokeswoman Noelia Rodriguez.

The brush-clearance issue rose to the forefront earlier this month when fire officials announced that some 8,000 property owners still had not complied with the city’s ordinance to remove brush from within 200 feet of structures to reduce fire danger.

Politicians have raised concerns that wildfires could be especially hazardous this year because heavy El Nino rainfall nourished dense plant growth on slopes, providing ample fuel for fires.


The city has the authority to hire contractors to clear properties in cases in which homeowners fail to do so.

“Nov. 1 is not that far away,” said Rodriguez, referring to a time of year when dryness and winds are most likely to coincide, boosting the fire danger. The brush fire season generally runs from October to April.

Bamattre said he will consult with city attorneys to find out details of how the declaration will affect the contracting process, but he said he expects it will speed up efforts to clear brush.
