
Gallegly Votes to Release Clinton Tapes

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Saying the American people should be able to judge for themselves, Simi Valley Republican Rep. Elton Gallegly joined his GOP colleagues Friday in voting to release President Clinton’s videotaped deposition detailing his affair with Monica S. Lewinsky.

In a decision that split along party lines, the House Judiciary Committee voted 22 to 15 to release the videotape and 2,800 pages of documents about Clinton’s relationship with the former White House intern.

Gallegly said that by excising some information from the written material, the committee was able to strike a balance between the public’s right to know and the need to protect innocent people interviewed in connection with the sex scandal.


“One of the most important parts in releasing this material is that the American public see in a transparent way what we’re having to wrestle with,” Gallegly said. “I think the American people would rather hear from Mr. Clinton on this than the spin from this congressman or another congressman or some Sunday morning commentator.”

The tape of Clinton’s grand jury testimony, along with Lewinsky’s deposition and other materials, is set for release as early as 6 a.m. Monday.

The tape will roll on many cable networks as soon as it’s available, and the documents will be posted on the same House Internet sites used last week for independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s report to Congress.


Gallegly said Friday’s vote was the first step in what could be a lengthy process. The House Judiciary Committee will decide in coming weeks whether to launch a formal impeachment inquiry, he said.

“Everyone I know wants to get this resolved,” said Gallegly, adding that his office has received more than 1,200 responses to the scandal by phone, fax and letter. “But most of those folks do not want a slipshod, rush to judgment to achieve that resolution.”
