
Home Runs Go a Long Way to Keep Game in Spotlight

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McGwire edged out in the home run race? Gee, Mark, say it ain’t So(sa).



The best thing about McGwire and Sosa breaking the home run record is that it wasn’t done by a Colorado player who hit 60 in Coors Field and three on the road.

P.J. GENDELL, Beverly Hills


Although I am not surprised, I am disgusted with the lack of respect shown Sammy Sosa by the various television networks, this newspaper’s coverage, Bud Selig and the Chicago Cub organization. Here we have a man who had none of the opportunities afforded a white kid from an affluent family who attended the best private schools, had the best coaches and the easy availability of money throughout his life. The worst day in Mark McGwire’s childhood would have been a day of luxury to Sammy Sosa, who was busy contributing to the survival of his family until using a stick as a bat and an egg carton as a glove at age 14.

Sammy Sosa is my hero and is a truly remarkable role model for children and adults who have that indefinable drive and determination to make something out of nothing with little or no help or money. Set aside your appalling racism and give this man the recognition he so richly deserves.




How many of the complaints about Mark McGwire’s use of androstenedione come from men using Viagra?

ROB PIEHL, Monrovia


If I had caught Mark McGwire’s 62nd home run ball, my news conference would have gone something like this:

“I’d love to give the ball to the Hall of Fame, but I have to take care of my family.”

“I’m going to sell this ball, but it’s not about the money.”

“I owe it to myself to see what the ball’s market value is.”

“I have to do what’s best for Alexander Bond.”



Congratulations to John Grass [Sept. 18] who caught McGwire’s 63rd homer and refused to give it up for free. Like it or not, we live in a society based on money. Ask Mr. McGwire if he’s going to play next year for nothing because he loves the game so much.




If McGwire or the Cardinals or baseball for that matter want the ball so much, why don’t they trade John that Corvette for it?



Here’s another “eerie coincidence” concerning McGwire’s 62nd home run: He hit it on a Tuesday, which is the same night that the TV show “Frasier” appeared in recent years. And who is Niles Crane’s now-ex-wife on that show? Why, Maris, of course! Will these wondrous, unexplainable relationships ever end? (I certainly hope so.)

FRED MILLER, Harbor City


Did anyone else notice the uncanny resemblance between Matt McGwire and the batboy in “The Natural”?


LARRY DRIES, Santa Monica


St. Louis is a very confusing city. On the one hand, they traded for Mark McGwire. On the other hand, they enticed the Rams to move to St. Louis. Go figure.

JOSHUA SINGER, Valley Village


Why isn’t Sammy Sosa going to Disneyland?

