
Comments Taken Out of Context

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* Amin David of Los Amigos de Orange County is quoted as saying, “We have a long memory” and that he and his organization “recall [my] outrageous statement” (“Fund-Raiser for Frogue Recall Gets Backing of Democrats, GOP,” Sept. 9).

Mr. David obviously has memory problems. The now famous “Pedro” quote cited as so outrageous did seem pejorative when presented outside its context. However, that supposedly “outrageous” statement was part of a lengthy hypothetical case I was presenting to underscore the honesty and moral character of most illegal aliens. My point being, even if a wonderful person like the one I described (a hard-working, churchgoing man who loved his family) is here illegally, he should not be draining scarce health care resources from legal residents and U.S. citizens.

The only thing “outrageous” about my words was the way the newspaper presented them, as if it was an insensitive slap rather than an effort on my part to give a positive human face to the tough decisions we have to make if we are to prevent our country from being overrun with a flood of illegal aliens, who may well be wonderful people, but whose needs will bankrupt our health care, educational and other social institutions.



(R-Huntington Beach)
