
Does Sanchez Have Any Convictions?

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* I just read your Sept. 13 article “Sanchez, Constituents Put Report Aside.”

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) said she believed the Starr report shouldn’t have been released. Then, “It was gonna be released anyway, so you might as well put it out there. I wish it wasn’t but, oh well, it’s out there.”

What is the purpose of elected representatives? I don’t believe it is to vote to do something just because it is going to pass anyway. What happened to your beliefs, your thoughts, your ideas? Ms. Sanchez, do you have any convictions? When do you stand up for what you believe?

I can see now why Sanchez is so indebted to Bill Clinton. His lack of convictions has infected Sanchez.


Send someone from this district to Washington who will stand up for what they believe and vote accordingly.



* When you get to my advanced age, you begin to believe you’ve seen everything. Reading a Sept. 3 letter (“Bob Dornan”), I realized my mistake.

I never thought I would see a Dornan supporter accuse his critics of being guilty of “racial and class warfare.” Has “ranting Robert” turned over a new leaf? Are we in the future to be denied the sight of “B2 Bob” in full sail, scolding the “spear-chucking lesbians” et al.? Life would be so dull.



Newport Beach
