
Public Affairs Group Defended

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* As co-chair of the Orange County Public Affairs Assn., I take great offense at how our organization was characterized in a Sept. 11 article (“Sullivan, Silva Square Off Over El Toro Airport”), which detailed an OCPAA-sponsored candidate debate.

The furthest thing from the truth is that OCPAA, which has over 240 members, is “a group of mainly pro-airport real estate developers.” Even if the reference were intended to describe over 100 attendees at the debate, it would have been no less inaccurate.

Membership includes representatives from virtually every industry and sector, public and private (including elected officials), as well as every geographic area of Orange County.


The Times’ reference trivializes the service OCPAA attempted to provide in educating the public--and media--about two candidates in an important local election, as if OCPAA has taken a position on airport development or either candidate, again, neither of which is true.


Santa Ana
