
Beauchamp Left Legacy of Kindness

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* I was sorry to read about the passing of Dr. Robert Beauchamp here in Newport Beach.

Though he has been accused of exploiting some of his past patients, he was probably the first dentist to serve minorities and low-income patients when other dentists would not.

While I was employed by the Orange County assessor’s office as a real property tax appraiser, I had the occasion to meet Dr. Beauchamp. It was sometime in the mid-1970s while I was working “new construction” permits in Newport Beach. I walked up to this beautiful house on Balboa Boulevard with a permit for a new pool house. I did not check who the owner was before I rang the doorbell. This very nice-looking and tan middle-aged man answered the door and I told him who I was and why I was there. I looked at him intently and thought to myself, “Boy, this guy looks familiar.” I then checked the permit to find out the owner’s name. It was Dr. Beauchamp.

He was extremely nice and very courteous. He showed me the new room and actually held one end of my tape so I could get an accurate measurement.


We have lost someone who made a difference, and my condolences go out to his family and all the patients he has served.


Newport Beach
