
Former Waste Treatment Plant Proposed for Superfund List

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Federal officials announced Thursday they are proposing that a former waste treatment and storage facility be added to the Superfund list of sites considered a threat to public health.

Omega Chemical Corp. on East Whittier Boulevard would become the 16th Superfund site in the Los Angeles region, said Lois Grunwald, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency spokeswoman.

Both the soil and ground water at the Omega site are contaminated with potentially cancer-causing substances, Grunwald said.


Listing on the federal Superfund National Priorities List would allow the EPA to use federal funds to clean up the site, in the 12500 block of East Whittier Boulevard. The EPA will accept public comment before putting the site on the list, officials said.

The agency removed 3,000 barrels of hazardous waste from the site three years ago, but officials say a large amount of waste had been spilled on the ground before the cleanup.
