
Indian Gaming

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Thank you, George Skelton, for your support of Prop. 5, the initiative which seeks to protect Indian gaming (“After 150 Years Indians Are Still Facing Long Odds,” Sept. 21). Indian gaming has been crucial in Indian self-determination and self-reliance, a long-sought goal of Native Americans. As a result of the revenues from gaming, California Indians are finally beginning to eradicate the severe poverty, inadequate health care and poor schooling that are characteristic of many reservations.

Other interest groups (Las Vegas casinos, non-Indian gaming houses, the state of California) are launching an attack on the Indian population by attempting to dismantle/destroy Indian gaming. Failing to acknowledge the immense good that gaming has brought to the historically impoverished Indian tribes, opponents of Prop. 5 are leading countless numbers of erroneous attacks on California Indian gaming, only to protect their own self-interest.


Los Angeles
