
Distraction of Scandal

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In light of “The Nation’s District of Distraction” (Sept. 28), about the inability of Congress to take care of business as usual, I can’t help wondering if it isn’t time for the American people to file a class action lawsuit against Kenneth Starr and his backers for diverting the attention of the Congress from important legislation.

The economic collapse of Russia and the disaster brewing in Kosovo are not receiving the attention they deserve, while the future of Social Security and the problems of managed health care are being largely ignored in the wake of Starr’s insatiable appetite for all of the details of Clinton’s sordid affair. Notice needs to be served--wrap things up quickly or face the consequences.


San Pedro


The pervasive issue currently enveloping the nation and the world only further diminishes my already disintegrating trust in governance. Our politicians’ crooked arguments are as convoluted as the president’s testimony. Even our own dissonant opinions on this scandalous presidential tryst merely show one of two things--that either America is learning or unlearning the rules of conduct.


Whatever the result of this divisiveness would be, it can be concluded that President Clinton cannot create a strong bridge to the 21st century, and it is just too bad that instead of inspiring the village to raise a child, the president did something so stupid to demoralize it.



North Hollywood


Re “ ‘Public Affairs’ Reporting Draws McCarthy Parallels,” Sept. 28: The media separate their reporting from all else that matters in life. After it becomes too much, a few elites review and lament what they have done to ethical journalism. Then they pause to await the next invasion of our privacy.

Media is the only entity that makes fiction out of fact and fact out of opinion. You have become disappointing and dangerous to our trust in you.



Del Mar


The old McCarthyist tactic of guilt by association is alive and well in the country. I keep waiting to hear at least one Democratic candidate answer his or her Republican opponent by saying, hold on a second here--I (the candidate) didn’t have a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, and I (the candidate) haven’t lied to anybody about it.

It seems that it’s not enough to say “extramarital relations are wrong and so is dissembling.” Self-flagellation and scourging might be in order but it’s still not enough for the Republicans. If you simply belong to the same political party or happen to have been introduced to the president you’re tarred with the same brush.




Pity the poor politicians. Whether Democrat or Republican, they have to make a decision about the presidential polls, whether to listen to the people or not. There are some tight races out there and the politician is more concerned with keeping his or her job than with whether or not to impeach the president.


The Republicans were dismayed when, following the aired grand jury tapes, those supporting Clinton increased to 66%. Those Democrats who distanced themselves from the scandal must have been dismayed also. Should they join with Newt Gingrich and say we are not going to pay attention to the polls or should they reverse themselves and go with the crowd, keeping in mind that all they want is to beat their opponents?


Laguna Hills


How can people continue to defend Clinton by calling his actions “private”? Had the affair occurred in his bedroom, affecting only his personal family, I would completely agree. But his actions occurred in his place of business--our place of business, actually, the people’s--forcing many government employees, from Betty Currie and White House staffers to Secret Service men, to be involved.

In any other setting, such actions would not be tolerated. The president is supposed to be held to a higher standard than the citizenry; unfortunately, he is being held to a standard much, much lower.


Los Angeles
