
Navy Bases Pass Y2K Compliance Tests

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After launching a series of Y2K tests, officials say both Navy bases in Ventura County are ready for the year 2000.

Five systems were tested at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme, and nine at the Naval Air Station, Point Mugu, on March 24 and 25. All of the systems passed the test, including power, water, waste water, security and public safety.

Rear Adm. Stephen Johnson, manager of the Navy Year 2000 Project Office, said everything went smoothly.


“They got it right the first time,” he said. “It’s better to have one good example on how to do something than a dozen bad examples.”

About 60 Navy personnel participated in the Y2K test, which involved rolling clocks ahead to three separate dates in the year 2000.

Experts are concerned that computers and other automated equipment may malfunction as we approach the new year, because computers may accidentally mistake the last two digits of 2000 for 1900 and stop working.
