
VA Hospital Research

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In a March 30 editorial, “Middle Ground in VA Reform,” The Times criticized the decisive and preemptive actions taken by the Department of Veterans Affairs to suspend biomedical research at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System for “indiscriminately banning research at a particular hospital.” It is regrettable that The Times ignored information it had regarding the reasons for VA’s concern over management of all aspects of the VAGLAHS research program, not just the human research component. Contrary to your assertion, VA has, in fact, been highly discriminate in suspending research projects at VAGLAHS.

Current research projects are under suspension with due consideration that specific actions be taken to: 1) assure the health and safety of human volunteers and animal subjects currently participating in research studies; 2) optimally protect research workers against any hazards associated with their work; and 3) appropriately use tax dollars. All human studies are continuing where harm could come to patients if the study were abruptly stopped. Of the more than 500 human studies at VAGLAHS, approximately half are continuing because an abrupt suspension of these studies could possibly cause harm to the patients. Similar considerations have been given to all animal studies. In all human and animal studies, however, we have directed the researchers not to enroll new study subjects until a comprehensive review by external medical experts is completed. A rare exception to this restriction would be compassionate enrollment of a patient based on the individual’s needs.

Of all the responsibilities VA has in its sponsorship and conduct of biomedical research, protection of human volunteers is paramount.


It should be stressed that VA’s actions do not impugn the integrity or the scientific excellence of the researchers at the VAGLAHS. The VA actions were prudent responses to failures on the part of local research management.


Chief Research and Development Officer, Veterans Health

Administration, Washington
