
Job Fair Attracts 500 to Pierce College

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Sam Kizito is looking for a job that pays better and an employer willing to work with Kizito’s busy school schedule.

So he cruised through a job fair Tuesday at Pierce College, speaking with company recruiters, handing out resumes and scribbling personal information on applications.

“Most of the jobs available here are lower-level and entry, but I want something better,” said Kizito, 21, who works as a bank teller and attends classes at Pierce.


About 500 people visited the job fair in hopes of finding employment with one of 67 companies that attended. Professions represented included law enforcement, school districts, amusement parks and department stores.

Gil Mattner, a job recruiter for Magic Mountain, said he was looking for responsible college students to fill seasonal jobs, including souvenir vendors, security guards and ride operators.

“We need people with outgoing, personable attitudes to work here,” Mattner said. “It’s a fun place to work for the summer.”


Job-seekers went on their own roller coaster ride of emotions during their pursuit of employment. Paul Lilavois, an assistant manager at Blockbuster Video, said he was looking for a job where he doesn’t have to deal with nagging customers anymore.

“There are lot of opportunities today and I’m open to almost anything these guys can offer me,” said Lilavois, 18, of Northridge. “But I’m sick of working with people. Just give me a job that’s not customer service-related.”

Recruiter Eric Pokomy, a manager for Starbucks in Woodland Hills, said Lilavois’ sentiment tended to be echoed by many of those he spoke with.


“We’ve been getting a lot of people fed up with their jobs, but want to jump into management somewhere else right away,” he said. “But we’re just looking for summer workers right now.”

Even part-time employees get perks at Starbucks, including medical benefits, stock options and a free pound of coffee every week, Pokomy said.

The job fair was held to assist students in gaining work experience and earning extra cash to pay for college, said Richard Skidmore, director of the Job Placement Center at Pierce College.

“If you find an entry-level job, that’s fine,” Skidmore said. “But you need an education, no matter where it’s at, to gain more skills so you can keep advancing.”
