
Man Gets 5 Months in Attempted Cannon Sale

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An Idaho man who admitted trying to sell undercover agents military cannons for use by a Colombian drug cartel was sentenced Monday to five months in prison and five months of home detention.

Steven L. Picatti, 54, of Boise, pleaded guilty last year to federal charges of conspiracy and illegal transfer of a destructive device. He was arrested in a sting operation conducted by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the U.S. Customs Service.

Although a probation officer had recommended Picatti serve 30 to 37 months behind bars, U.S. District Judge B. Collins said Monday that she decided to impose a lighter sentence because Picatti has shown a determination to rehabilitate himself and because of an outpouring of support for him from relatives and friends.


One letter of support came from former U.S. Sen. Steve Symms (R-Idaho), who told the judge that Picatti’s crime was a case of aberrant behavior. According to his defense attorney, Picatti was deeply in debt when he negotiated the deal to sell the cannons for $36,000.

Picatti was in the business of refurbishing and selling old military aircraft for use in air shows and races. A defense expert testified that the cannons he tried to sell the undercover agents were not readily usable. The judge said she agreed.

Picatti was also fined $6,000 and ordered to be placed on three years of supervised probation after his release.
