
The Debate Over Circus Animals Moves to the Center Ring

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Howard Rosenberg hit the nail on the head when he said that that the animal-free Cirque du Soleil is superior to elephant-exploiting traditional three-ring circuses (“No Lions, Tigers or Bears? Cirque Soars With Just People,” July 30). The description of the elephants’ subjugation during performances broke my heart--anyone who sees a circus knows that elephants are forced to contort themselves into degrading positions that are completely unnatural.

What goes on behind the scenes is tragic too. The elephants spend more than 90% of their time chained by the ankle. They travel for months on end, crammed into boxcars or the backs of trucks, standing in their own waste. Last year, two elephants died of heat exhaustion in an unventilated truck.

I’ve been in show business for many years, and I know it’s a wonderful career--if you have the freedom to choose it. Elephants don’t decide to give up everything that’s important to them; they don’t clap the chains around their own ankles. This horrible life is thrust upon them.


This abuse will not stop until the public refuses to support circuses that exploit animals. I thank Rosenberg for making this clear.


Los Angeles


I’m really tired of all the diatribes about circuses that feature animals.

After marrying a circus ringmaster, I became the first woman circus press agent and for 25 years had the opportunity of seeing circus animals trained. As an animal lover, I was especially alert to any evidence of cruelty. On the rare occasions it did exist, it was not tolerated and dealt with severely.

Let the animal activists enjoy the “New Age” circuses, but it’s time to let people choose. They can continue to be vigilant against any cruelty without destroying a form of entertainment that millions of people enjoy.



Laguna Hills


In a society where so much violence is a daily occurrence, distraught people shooting people in public places when they are frustrated, kids shooting people in public places because they are angry, why do we also have to abuse animals? It is time to put circus cruelty in the spotlight.


Redondo Beach
