
Ramirez on Third-Party Votes

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* I take exception to the Michael Ramirez cartoon of Aug. 17 showing a ballot for a third party candidate going into the trash, as if it were wasted. As one who has been a Natural Law Party candidate for the Assembly, I know that I contributed a lot to the campaigns in which I participated. I brought up issues that were not on the other three parties’ platforms and directed discussion into more productive avenues. My focus on the issues motivated the major party candidates to stay closer to the issues and minimize partisan name-calling and innuendo.

There is value to being able to vote for candidates who speak with reason about substantive issues and relevant personal qualifications for office. Third parties give that opportunity. Don’t trash that opportunity.



* The cartoon was a disservice to the democratic process in the U.S. Even the use of the term “third party” is offensive, because it presupposes that all parties other than the Democratic and Republican are worthless. All voices and opinions are valuable in a true democracy.



Fountain Valley

* I love humor. We all need to lighten up. I am concerned, though, that Ramirez’s cartoon depicting a third party vote as a throwaway will make it even harder for parties to get their messages out. Many of the important changes in society came about because a third party brought them to light.

I am so disappointed to see the amount of money raised and spent by the two main parties. Freedom should not be bought and sold.


Chula Vista
