
Why so Many Folks Want Organic Food

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I am extremely concerned about the safety of our food supply [“Organic Milk Pours Into Mainstream,” July 24]. Unfortunately, the USDA and FDA, which should be protecting the public, are doing the opposite by allowing practices that have not been adequately studied to take place.

Foods are produced with antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, herbicides and sewage sludge, and are genetically engineered and irradiated. These methods are neither safe nor sustainable. This is why many Americans have lost faith in the government to protect us and have embraced certified organic food and farmers.


Redondo Beach

* * In tobacco-industry-like fashion, cattlemen and dairy producers--and the Los Angeles Times, it seems--still deny there’s any evidence that feeding antibiotics to cattle can cause harm to humans.


Keeping our nation’s food supply safe from antibiotic-resistant bacteria should be one of our top goals. Buying organic milk is one small way we can make our preferences known.


Los Angeles


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