
Quake Damage

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* In the article about builder Nathan Shapell, there was a quote that was so outrageous that I couldn’t let it pass (“Porter Ranch Builder’s Acts Speak Louder Than Words,” Aug. 17).

Shapell has built many excellent homes in the region, and my wife and I happen to be the first and only owners of the first home that he completed in the Porter Ranch area. His statement that “we only had two houses that were injured, and by injuries I mean the chimneys [were damaged]” is completely untrue.

S&S; homes suffered tremendous damage during the Northridge earthquake. On our block alone, there were a number of houses with extensive quake damage. We were out of our home for 15 months while more than $200,000 in construction repairs were completed. A house two doors down the block still sits fenced off and unoccupied as its damage has never been repaired. Most of our neighbors have had to make extensive repairs since the earthquake.


Maybe accuracy is not important in puff pieces about local businessmen. I know that I was very angry when I read that statement, and I imagine many other S&S; homeowners felt the same way.


