
THE READER’S PAGE : Defying Terrorism

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Having just returned from exciting safaris in Africa, and reading of recent mass shootings of innocent people in the U.S., it seems appropriate to comment. We found the Kenyans and Tanzanians to be friendly, cooperative and eager to please. We passed by the demolished U.S. embassy in Nairobi and the new embassy under construction.

My point is that I am always astonished by friends who warn us of the dangers of foreign travel because of terrorism. In 1986, after the U.S. bombed Libya [which it accused of ordering a terrorist bombing in West Berlin], several of my friends canceled their trips to Italy. I thought we owed support to Europeans, who do most of the suffering in terrorist attacks aimed at Americans. We traveled for three months around Europe and met only friendly people.

By canceling planned trips, Americans are helping the terrorists alienate Third World countries from us. I believe it is incumbent to stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends; they depend on our tourist dollars for school and road building and other benefits.


Come on, Yanks, shape up! The British and the Germans aren’t so chicken-hearted.



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