
Heard Through the Grapevine

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I always find it fun to read articles like the one on Thanksgiving wines (“The Whatever Holiday,” Nov. 21). However, as a winery owner I find it amusing how many writers write about wines that probably 90% of the population cannot even pronounce (including yours truly). Maybe, it would be a good idea to refocus your efforts in educating our customers in wines of all types and prices. Not just the ones that the majority of us can’t pronounce, afford or even locate.


From the Internet

I’m writing in response to the letters you’ve published regarding the price of wines reviewed in the wine column. Your section is one of the few I’ve read in any newspaper that actually seeks to educate its readers about wine. Bravo for that! Moreover, I find that these examples strike a fair balance between price, quality and grape variety: For every high-end wine included there is at least one more modestly priced. If the column were restricted at the $10 limit then, my God, what would we read?


