
Fishing in the Freezer

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Thank goodness for packaged frozen foods that I keep in the freezer, and for leftovers. I call this Quick and Easy Salmon Hash. It’s a very rough adaptation of a great-sounding recipe I saw in a book, “Tastes of the Pacific Northwest.”

Toast frozen cut-up seasoned potatoes in the toaster oven until crisp. In a frying pan, saute some frozen chopped onion in a small amount of oil--and some chopped red onion, if you have it. Add frozen bell pepper strips; I like the mixed red, green and yellow. When that’s done, add leftover cooked salmon filet cut into small pieces. Add the crisp potato pieces, and season to taste with garlic powder, salt, pepper, dried dill weed--whatever you like. (Be sure to taste first, though, since the potatoes are already seasoned.) Toss gently so salmon pieces don’t fall apart. Heat briefly and serve. I like this with salad greens.



How do you get dinner on the table fast? We mean real fast. The rules: No more than one stop on the way home, no more than 10 minutes’ prep time. The rest is up to you. To share your idea, write to The Last Minute, Los Angeles Times Food Section, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Or e-mail us at
