
Carriers Match AMR’s Business-Fare Hike

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Bloomberg News

Major U.S. carriers, including UAL Corp.’s United Airlines, Delta Air Lines Inc. and Northwest Airlines Corp., matched a 3% business fare increase started Wednesday on some U.S. routes by AMR Corp.’s American Airlines. The increase by American, the second-largest U.S. carrier, spread to other markets after additional carriers matched the boost, said Terry Trippler, who monitors fares for his Web site. Trans World Airlines Corp., Continental Airlines Inc., US Airways Group Inc. and America West Airlines, a unit of America West Holdings Corp., also matched the business fare increase in certain markets. American, United and Continental tried to raise business and leisure fares last month to offset higher fuel prices and other costs. That attempt failed when other big carriers didn’t join in. With all six of the largest U.S. carriers now signed on to the latest increase, it’s likely to stick.
