
Yeltsin’s Threat

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Re “Yeltsin Reminds U.S. of Moscow’s Nuclear Capability,” Dec. 10: Only an inebriated madman would threaten the use of nuclear weapons over the disagreement of policy toward the Chechen people. Where is Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s blustering bravado of threats when he accepts the aid that this country has given a sick, crime-ridden and impotent Russia? Where were his empty boasts of power when we bailed Russia out of its failed economic fiascoes?

It is obvious that Yeltsin gets his courage out of a bottle. The scary thing is that this bloated buffoon is the titular head of a country that possesses a vast nuclear arsenal. Maybe we should have listened to the late Gen. George Patton.




It is good that Yeltsin reminded us that Russia is a nuclear power and intends to gang up with China to challenge the U.S. I was not sure about the Senate’s vote against the nuclear test ban treaty earlier this year. Now I can understand the logic behind those no votes.



City of Industry


Re “War Crime in the Making,” editorial, Dec. 8: I would like to express my gratitude to The Times for helping to break the common misconceptions about the recent events in Chechnya. The recent slaughter of Chechens by Russians has been misrepresented in the Western press. I hope that more people will begin to see the light and begin to rally a call to stop these injustices.


