
Park District Seeks Tax for Upgrades

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Property owners in Simi Valley and Oak Park will vote next month on a $24 annual assessment to fund park improvements.

If approved, the tax could raise $1.1 million to upgrade parks over the next 10 years, said Al Church, the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District’s general manager. The district board voted Thursday night to seek approval of the tax.

“It will allow us to complete the planning and construction of neighborhood parks,” Church said. “It will also assist sports organizations in our community and will allow for more park rangers for safety.”


Residential property owners would pay $24 a year, regardless of the size or value of their property, said Gerard Van Steyn, a consultant with Shilts Consultants, a Northern California company that prepared the assessment guidelines for the park district.

Owners of commercial properties would either pay $24 or $48 a year, depending on size and value, he said. Vacant lot owners would pay $6 per year.

An informational pamphlet will be mailed to almost 44,000 property owners in Simi Valley and Oak Park the first week of January explaining the proposed tax. A ballot will then be sent out by Jan. 20 asking for the increase.


Property owners will have 45 days to return the postage-prepaid ballot, said Rick Johnson, a park district spokesman.

Votes will be weighted, giving more votes to owners of large industrial properties like Rocketdyne than residential owners. But it is the residential owners who will be more likely to send in ballots, Johnson said.

“Traditionally, families with children will vote yes on this,” Johnson said. “But there is something in here for everyone.”


The park district expects about a 40% response.

The district hopes to combine $1.5 million from grants and developer fees with the anticipated $1.1 million from property owners for a 10-year district improvement plan.

With board member James Meredith absent, the board approved the measure 4-0.

In June, Moorpark property owners passed a $39 annual levy for park improvements.
