
New Hope on Water Sharing

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In past Decembers, Southern California water leaders knew as they headed for the annual meeting of the Colorado River Water Users Assn. in Las Vegas that they were in for a scolding about water gluttony from Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt. Legally, California is entitled to 4.4 million acre-feet of water a year from the Colorado River. But the state has consistently taken as much as 800,000 acre-feet more--enough to meet the household needs of 2 million families.

This year, however, Babbitt warmly commended the Californians for working out a two-part plan to gradually reduce California’s take to the 4.4 million limit and negotiate a new deal with other Western states for rational allocation of surpluses. It might take up to 15 years, and there will be difficulties along the way. But this is a landmark decision that will help assure Southern California an adequate water supply--and the economic benefits that water brings.

The state has taken more than its entitlement because the water was there; Nevada and Arizona have not used their full shares. But now, they want their entitlements--2.8 million acre-feet for Arizona and 300,000 for Nevada. The next step is a new agreement that encompasses surplus water flowing from Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and New Mexico. Those states are wary of relinquishing any supply to California, even temporarily, because they fear they would never get it back.


Babbitt called for “a creative burst of energy” leading to a new seven-state agreement on allocation of surpluses from the Colorado River, including lakes Mead and Powell. He promised to have such a plan in place before leaving office at the end of next year.

While Babbitt commended the Californians for their water-saving pact, he and his assistant, David Hayes, deserve major credit. Their persistence in keeping the warring parties at the bargaining table and out of litigation was a key to this success. May their efforts to write a new seven-state pact be just as fruitful.
