
Capital Punishment

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Re “Executions Put State and Nation on the Killing Stage,” Commentary, Dec. 22: Is Mike Farrell actually suggesting the United States is on a par with China and Iraq in terms of human rights abuses? Does he really believe that the International Court of Justice retains any legal jurisdiction in the courts of this country?

His column proves once again that actors/activists who are misinformed should stick to what they do best--suspend disbelief. Then again, that’s exactly what Farrell is doing when he calls for the United States to abandon capital punishment.


Hacienda Heights


Farrell opposes the execution of convicted murderers but apparently can’t find it in himself to come out and say it. He variously describes murderers as “offenders,” “citizens,” “minors,” “prisoners,” “individuals,” “defendants” and “our own.” Even if his argument has some merit, his use of slanted language is distracting and it undermines his credibility.





Farrell’s ethical objections to capital punishment are compelling, but until people feel safer there will not be a relaxation in demands to execute the most violent criminals.

It has been suggested that 85% of crime is related to the sale and usage of drugs. If addiction to street drugs can be treated as a medical issue rather than a criminal act, we can reduce crime to a level that will allow us to feel safer in our homes, cars and offices. Only then will the abolishment of capital punishment be possible.


Rancho Mirage
