
Young Stars Join Hutcherson on Warm ‘Skyline’

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Vibist Hutcherson’s first album as a leader since the early ‘90s is a fine example of what can happen when first-rate playing intersects with imaginative producing.

Placing Hutcherson, who recently turned 58, with a group of solid young stars--pianist Geri Allen, saxophonist Kenny Garrett, bassist Christian McBride and veteran drummer Al Foster--works beautifully; not quite as intuitively interactive as a regular working group, they relate, nonetheless, with a warm musical empathy.

The thoughtful programming is equally important, employing such attractive and occasionally offbeat choices as Victor Young’s “Delilah,” John Williams’ theme from “Superman” and the often-revived Harry Warren standard “I Only Have Eyes for You.”


Hutcherson makes the most of the felicitous circumstances. Always an imaginative improviser, he plays particularly well here, wringing an impressive array of sounds from his somewhat unyielding instrument, bringing a different emotional subtext to each of his solos.

Among the other players, Garrett sounds especially strong, and the rhythm section is as good as it gets.
