
Argentine Lemon Imports

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* Re “Hundreds Decry USDA Lemon Import Plan,” Feb. 9.

It was with my heart aching that I read this article. In order for the Argentine government to open its door to American business, the little farmer has to sacrifice his sole means of livelihood. It may be that the Argentines have a product other than lemons.

Saying no to the import of Argentine lemons not only would help our farmers but also would help to preserve agricultural land in Ventura County. Because of agricultural land, we enjoy beauty and open space in this lovely county.

Let us lend help to our local farmers so that their land will not fall into the hands of those predators of Mother Nature: developers. If our farmers cannot compete and have to sell their land, who is going to buy it? An Argentine farmer or a developer? This is the question.



Thousand Oaks
