
Budget Touring by Bus or Train Around Britain

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Lucy Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer. She can be reached at

Haggis Backpackers, a Scottish backpacker tour company, has added a six-day “UK Tour” through England, Wales and the Scottish borders. Accommodations are not included, but the company provides door-to-door service to many hostels along the route. You can also stop at B&Bs; or camp.

The 750-mile London-to-Edinburgh tour stops at the Avebury stone circles, Bath, Snowdonia National Park, the Lake District, York, Chester and Stratford-on-Avon. The fully guided trips, which depart daily, are sold in Britain starting at $200.

Haggis also offers its guided “Jump-On-Jump-Off” tour. Passengers get off where they choose for a few days, then catch another bus when they wish, after calling ahead to secure a seat. The price starts at $143. There are departures from Edinburgh five times a week.


There’s also a three-day group tour of Scotland that leaves Edinburgh every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It goes to the Isle of Skye and the locations used in “Braveheart” and “Rob Roy,” and includes stops at castles, whiskey distilleries and Loch Ness. Rates start at $126. A six-day guided tour of Scotland, starting at $233, departs Edinburgh on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Contact Haggis Backpackers Ltd., 11 Blackfriars St., Edinburgh EH1 INB, Scotland; telephone 011-44-131-557-9393, fax 011-44-131-558-1177, Internet

Another backpacker bus service, called Stray, is sold in the United States by STA Travel, tel. (323) 934-8722 or (800) 777-0112, Internet


In Scotland, MacBackpackers (105 High St., Edinburgh EH1 1SG, tel. 011-44-131-558-9900) runs one-, three- and five-day tours and guided jump-on-jump-off service.

A BritRail Pass allows unlimited rail travel in Britain. Those under 26 can get a special youth version. The passes must be purchased in North America. A youth pass for eight consecutive days of travel is $215; 15 days, $280; 22 days, $355; one month, $420. A Youth Flexipass for any four days of travel within a two-month period is $185; eight days in two months, $240; 15 days in two months, $260. Tel. (800) 438-7245, Internet https://
