
Tourism Promotion

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Once again, it appears public voices are evaluating tourism promotion from what will please them, not what brings visitors to an area. The entire debate reported by Karen Robinson-Jacobs (“Latest Valley Slight: Too Few Dollars to Promote Tourism,” Dec. 22) exposes the enormous waste when ego-driven preferences mix with ignorant political judgments.

Tourists visit destinations because of the events, places and people in an area; they will not come just because downtown forces are cowed into spending more money for all the wrong reasons promoting the San Fernando Valley.

Valley people interested in increasing tourism to the area should continue to allow the Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau to get folks into the area for such principal draws as Universal Studios, Disneyland and the new Getty; once here or on the way, the Valley can easily and efficiently concentrate on getting those people to spend time at the hotels, restaurants, shops and attractions in its area.


