
Defense Attorney’s Decision

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Re “Defense Attorney’s Decision Touches a Nerve,” Dec. 30.

Isn’t it about time attorneys were questioned concerning the verbal garbage they give us about their God-given right to protect their client above and beyond their obligation as a simple human being with compassion toward their fellow man?

For attorney Louis “Chuck” Samonsky to acknowledge that he knew as early as Tuesday that Kali Manley was stuffed into a drainpipe and to withhold the information from the family of this young girl, who was not found until Saturday, is beyond my contempt.

GWYN GOODMAN, Balcom Canyon


To Louis “Just Doing My Job” Samonsky:

Good news! The new year is here and you have a unique opportunity to come up with some original resolutions! I’ve come up with a couple of ideas to get you started.


* I, Louis Samonsky, resolve to become human. (This will probably be difficult, as you are apparently operating without a heart, conscience or soul. The downside will be that if you do attain these qualities you will probably find it very difficult to sleep at night.)

* I, Louis Samonsky, resolve to stop blaming others for my repulsive decisions. (For example, blaming the district attorney’s office for your decision to prolong and increase the misery of Kali Manley’s family is inexcusable. My question to you is, how can you continue in a profession that allows--even requires--you to commit such morally bankrupt acts?)

The true bottom line is that while you may have upheld your “job requirements” you have failed to be a decent human being, failed the community, failed little Kali Manley and her family and, ultimately, failed yourself and God.




“First thing we’ll do is kill all the lawyers.” That often-quoted line from Shakespeare seems to be the anthem in the issues surrounding the terrible killing of Kali Manley.

People should be aware that those famous words were not spoken by unhappy litigants or bereaved victims. They were spoken by conspirators out to overthrow the British government. To succeed, they had to get rid of the defenders of the law.

Letters impugning the actions of Chuck Samonsky are understandably written by people who are in agony over the circumstances surrounding Mr. Samonsky’s duties to his client. Such venom should be directed at the perpetrator of the crime and not a highly respected defense lawyer doing exactly what the code of legal ethics requires him to do. Even if the entire world were against his client, Mr. Samonsky has a duty of loyalty and responsibility to only one human being, his client.


I have known Mr. Samonsky for many years. He is a man of high principle and high character. The actions he took in representing his client, although causing deep division in the community, are what are expected of him as a lawyer. Had he done anything less or had he provided any information that linked his client to the crime, he could be personally subjected to inquiry and even disbarment.

The people Mr. Samonsky represents may be bad but I can assure you he represents the highest degree of professionalism required. I know he is tormented by the agony many people share over the circumstances of this matter.



I wonder if any of the people who made hateful calls and wrote vile letters to Chuck Samonsky would hire an attorney who “gave them up” to the authorities, whatever the reason.

TODD TERRES, Camarillo
