
Disneyland Accident

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* It seems that the execs at Disney are once again trying to shift blame onto less fortunate employees (“Autopsy Sheds Light on Accident at Disneyland,” Dec. 31).

Now we learn of the employee who didn’t receive proper training, made a judgment error or maybe was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It has become increasingly obvious that maintenance has been allowed to lapse. And the parking situation is a disaster waiting to happen; the trams cross the boulevard’s traffic, and people sometimes wait more than an hour to get on, since there is no way available for guests to simply walk back to their cars.

It’s about time we had a working amusement park safety commission and quit assuming that the good people at Disney know what they are doing.



Woodland Hills

* Re “Death in the Magic Kingdom,” editorial, Dec. 28:

Now let’s see: 400 million visitors, 43 years, not even a handful of serious accidents in which Disneyland could reasonably be held responsible, and The Times calls for government regulation. Wow!

If you seriously think that applying the tired old liberal mantra of regulate, regulate, regulate to sterling operations like Disneyland would enhance the safety of its guests even a fraction, you need to spend more time in Fantasyland.


Los Angeles
