
S.F. News Racks

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* It appears the tyrannical mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, is once again flexing his political muscle, as reported in “Publishers Oppose S.F. Plan to Consolidate News Racks” (Dec. 26). Claiming to “rid the streets of clutter,” he will ban individually owned and operated news racks. This is one more “big brother” government act to not only order what can be available for public purchase, but exactly where you have to buy it.

The various publishers are preparing for a federal lawsuit claiming the insane ordinance quells freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Perhaps the quixotic mayor has now challenged a too-strong adversary: the news media.

Someone should alert hizzoner that there are no windmills in Pacific Heights and pitifully few newspaper stands in Haight-Ashbury, either. I shall joyfully await the sure-to-come Willie Brown roast by the Bay Area news rags in response to this mindless ordinance.



Costa Mesa
