
Video View

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This chart tracks video sales--alternating weekly between an overall view of the market and profiles of individual segments. Sales data include mass merchandisers and retailers but not most discount outlets.

Theatrical: 76%

Children’s: 15%

Television: 4%

Excercise: 2%

Other: 2%

Sports: 1%


Theatrical Video Vendors

Year-to-date share of the theatrical video sales market through Jan. 3 and current top-selling theatrical videos:


Company Share Current best-selling video Warner Home Video* 21.80% Lethal Weapon 4 (DVD) MGM 6.79 Gone With the Wind New Line 4.47 The Wedding Singer Disney 20.91 The Parent Trap (1998) Paramount Home Video 13.29 White Christmas Columbia 11.79 Madeline Fox 11.21 Dr. Dolittle Universal Home Video 9.96 Happy Gilmore Artisan** 2.92 The Bells of St. Mary’s Anchor Bay 2.63 Dead by Dawn



Market Leaders Dec. 28-Jan. 3:

Top video vendors, in percentage of sales in all categories:

Warner Home Video *: 23.6%

Disney: 16.3%

Paramount Home Video: 10.2%

Columbia: 9.0%

Universal: 7.8%

Fox: 7.2%

*Includes MGM, HBO, Turner, New Line and Warner Vision.

** Includes Hallmark and Republic.

Source: VideoScan
