
‘Sunday’ Cast Strong, but Script Lacks Punch

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Perhaps “There’s Something About the Sunday Show” at Acme Comedy Theatre, but whatever it is, it isn’t urgent. This latest offering from the second-string Acme Bravo Company is very sketchy comedy indeed.

Lackluster writing is the primary culprit--the far too prevalent formulaic setups involving taxidermists, drug-addicted hookers, meddling mothers and the like travel predictable arcs before fizzling.

Nevertheless, this Acme farm team boasts some promising performers to help redeem the spotty material. The best scene is a model of character-driven simplicity featuring Ashley Clark and Stephanie Clayton as a drunk, bickering older couple unable to start their car because of a built-in Breathalyzer. Clark is also superb as an uncomfortable civilian seeking a favor from a Mafia don, and again as a mild-mannered tourist who discovers a portal to hell in his suitcase. As a clueless but opinionated secretary, Leslie Dixon deftly drives her boss crazy, and Russell Bell and Danielle Hoover are wickedly funny as a couple who greet their best friends’ Lotto jackpot with something less than unselfish support--a sardonic caution that every silver lining can have its dark cloud.



* “There’s Something About the Sunday Show,” Acme Comedy Theatre, 135 N. La Brea Ave., Sundays, 7:30 p.m. Runs indefinitely. $12. (323) 525-0202. Running time: 1 hour, 40 minutes.
