
Clinton’s Speech

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While watching President Clinton’s State of the Union speech, I was reminded of two specific reasons for his popularity. The Family Leave Act and the Brady bill prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this president is working for America’s families. He pushed for these bills, got them passed and signed them into law when his Republican predecessor wouldn’t. These two bills are prime examples of why most people want him to finish his term. Whatever his personal shortcomings, he has always been a leader who works for families instead of just espousing “family values.”


San Dimas


It was amazing, but I kept seeing the same flashing statement throughout President Clinton’s address: “WARNING: This president is an admitted ‘misleader’ and the first president in this century who has been impeached by the House of Representatives for perjury and obstruction of justice. His promises are not to be trusted, and his programs, if passed, could be hazardous to your wallet.” Did you keep seeing that too?


Agoura Hills


It’s actually a good thing that some die-hard Republicans weren’t in their seats for the president’s speech. It will help them adjust better when the voters kick them out of those seats in the next election.



Los Angeles


I resent the fact that Clinton is trying to buy his way out of trouble with my money. Sen. Trent Lott was right, the man has no shame. For those of you who think this new big-government agenda is sincere, whatever happened to “the era of big government is over”? Was he just kidding? The only campaign promise he ever kept was when he said we would get two for the price of one.




Disgracing the capitol and the office of the president by boycotting the State of the Union address should result in the impeachment of the offending Republicans. These representatives of the people are a disgrace to their constituents, the U.S. and the world.




Regarding investment of Social Security moneys in private industry and making sure the elderly, boomers and the rest of us are covered: Let’s see, the military invented the Internet 30 years ago. Police are using technology developed by the government, etc. Solution--an IPO!




How anyone can watch or listen to the president and believe his sincerity is beyond me. All I could think of while viewing the State of the Union address was, “Is his definition the same as my definition” and “I guess it would depend on what ‘is’ is.” It’s too bad he has that effect on me; if it were anyone else I would have thought it was a very positive, uplifting speech.

While on the subject of sincerity, when going to church, what’s up with the Bible you carry, Bill? You know, the one you swore on to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.


Woodland Hills


He was the best of presidents. He was the worst of presidents.


San Diego
