
McDyess, Nuggets Hit a Snag


In the most astounding development of a long, confusing day, the deal that was supposed to bring forward Antonio McDyess back to the Denver Nuggets fell apart at the last moment.

McDyess was in Denver’s McNichols Arena, waiting to sign his contract and hold an afternoon news conference. The Nuggets first postponed it until evening, then indefinitely.

“We aren’t ready to do anything yet,” General Manager Dan Issel said.

Asked when a deal might be reached, Issel said, “I have no idea.”

McDyess, a free agent, had chosen the Nuggets, the team that drafted him in 1996, over the Phoenix Suns, the team that traded for him in 1997 and the one he played last season for.


There has been speculation all along it was a package deal. Over the summer, McDyess became friendly with new Nugget guard Nick Van Exel and Nugget assistant coach John Lucas. McDyess fired his agent, Arn Tellem, and hired Van Exel’s, Tony Dutt.

The Nuggets reportedly are about to give Van Exel a new long-term contract. The team also agreed to a trade with Orlando, acquiring rookie Keon Clark, another Dutt client.

The Nuggets also invited an unsigned free agent named Kevin McCarthy from Southern Mississippi to camp. Turns out he was yet another Dutt client, and a high school teammate of McDyess in Quitman, Miss.


McDyess reportedly agreed to a six-year, $67.5 million contract with the Nuggets on Wednesday, but then came Thursday’s postponement.

In other NBA cities, more news conferences were called off--in Houston, the local media waited 3 1/2 hours for Scottie Pippen’s official arrival, which was postponed until today--but those were attributed to the jam-up at league headquarters.

In Phoenix, the Suns were keeping quiet about the developments.

“I really can’t make any comment about what’s going on, but it’s interesting, to say the least,” Sun owner Jerry Colangelo said. “We’ll just have to see what transpires.”


If McDyess does go back to Phoenix, it could shake up the picture once more.

If McDyess had signed with the Nuggets, Phoenix was expected to sign Minnesota’s Tom Gugliotta, a free agent who has called the Suns his first choice.

But if McDyess goes back to the Suns, they’ll be out of cap room, obliging Gugliotta to go to Plan B--which, sources say, would be a sign-and-trade, bringing him to the Lakers.

Minnesota General Manager Kevin McHale has spurned a Laker offer (Eddie Jones, Elden Campbell and a No. 1 pick) for Gugliotta, but if Gugliotta tells the Timberwolves he won’t return, McHale might have to reassess his options.
