
A Messy Impeachment Drama Concocted by the GOP

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* Kenneth Khachigian’s opinion piece of Jan. 3 is so interesting in its reflection of the right-wing attitude toward the impeachment process.

Khachigian believes that the left has been made a “wee bit grumpy” by the impeachment of President Clinton. I think it is safe to say that a lot of people are a bit put off by the whole business of impeachment, and not just those of the liberal persuasion.

As a matter of fact, I do detect a bit of grumpiness in Khachigian’s column. I don’t know of anyone, liberal or conservative, who has defended President Clinton’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky.


But the fact is that this whole messy little drama is the concoction of the Republican Party. I believe history will likely view a good deal more harshly the Republicans than it will Clinton.

The right wing has been out to get Clinton since his election in 1992. That’s why the Gennifer Flowers matter was an issue, even though it involved no allegation of perjury, and that’s why the Paula Jones lawsuit was initiated and supported by the conservative right.

Whatever happened to Whitewater? It gives me great pause that the likes of Khachigian are so quick to denounce the behavior of Clinton but find no fault with the excesses of the special prosecutor, for example, and the treatment of Monica Lewinsky and her mother.


Think of it! Threatening to put Lewinsky’s mother in jail if she failed to testify against her daughter! And Linda Tripp. Please! I am a lot more concerned about the likes of Khachigian being the arbiters of moral behavior in this country than I am about anything the president has done.


