
Trent Lott

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Re “Lott Campaigns to Segregate Himself From Extremist Group,” Jan. 26: The far right might spend less time worrying over what to tell children about people who lie and consider instead how to explain to those politically interested toddlers about people who support segregationist and neo-Nazi groups--like Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.).

According to The Times, it seems that “when he wasn’t hunting turtles,” young Lott was listening to front-porch talk about race from his Uncle Arnie Watson, the state senator who chaired Mississippi’s Carroll County Citizens Council, a forerunner of today’s segregationist Council of Conservative Citizens. Lott has spoken before the group numerous times and has welcomed its officials to his Washington office. His current denials of any “firsthand knowledge” of the group’s agenda ring hollow. It is he, not Bill Clinton, who truly disgraces the nation, and it is he who should resign.

Interestingly, Times’ cartoonist Michael P. Ramirez has also spoken before the CCC. He owes readers an explanation.





Sure, I believe Lott when he says that he denounces the “white supremacist and racist views” espoused by the Council of Conservative Citizens. Sure I do. Just like I believed President Clinton when he said he “did not have sexual relations with that woman.”


Los Angeles


The ethical civil war in which we find ourselves battling over the impeachment of Clinton was well documented on your Jan. 27 Commentary page. Ramirez’s cartoon of the pope and the president’s moral stature juxtaposed against Paul Conrad’s cartoon of the Republican house managers walking the GOP elephant to its death show us the depth of this battle.

As for Ramirez, I stand with him and all Americans desiring leaders who understand swearing to “tell the truth, the whole truth, so help me God.” As for Conrad, I say that sometimes you need to stand up for your beliefs. If the Republicans lose their majority in the year 2000, so be it. It is better to die fighting than cowering.



Seal Beach


Paul Campos’ Jan. 27 commentary accuses the American public of being a loyal Mafia wife for refusing to divorce President Clinton despite his breach of our trust. Campos misses an important difference between this situation and a marriage: We did not elect Clinton “ ‘til death do us part.” This “marriage” will be over in two years. The public obviously thinks that it’s easier to patiently wait until he’s gone than to go through a messy divorce. Unfortunately the Republicans seem to be thriving on the messy divorce proceedings.




* Clinton may be the laughingstock of the world as suggested by Steven Hill (letters, Jan. 25), but I still despise far more the likes of Reps. Henry Hyde and Bob Barr, adulterers in their own right, who can condemn the president’s sexual impropriety with a straight face.




The senators are determined to slay a dragon when all they need to do is swat a fly.


