
Free Literacy Classes Offered for Children

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Two early childhood literacy classes will begin next month in Oxnard for children ages 4 to 6.

The free classes will run for nine months in three 12-week sessions. Enrollment is limited to 25 pupils per class, and parents are encouraged to register early.

Funded by a private grant, the 1 1/2-hour classes will be held in Room 106 of the old Oxnard High School campus on South K and 5th streets.


The literacy programs are being sponsored by El Centrito de la Colonia, an Oxnard-based nonprofit organization.

El Centrito plans to use the “Waterford Early Reading Program,” which uses computers and educational software to help children boost reading skills.

Participants will spend 15 minutes a day on a computer. Group projects and story telling will also be included in the class.


The Waterford program is used in more than 2,600 elementary classrooms nationwide, according to El Centrito.

For more information, contact El Centrito’s literacy coordinator at 483-4824.
