
Services Today for Mel Torme

Public funeral services for entertainer Mel Torme are scheduled at 11 a.m. today in the chapel of Westwood Village Memorial Park, 1218 Glendon Ave., with burial to follow. Although the chapel will be reserved for family and close friends, outside seating and loudspeakers will be provided for the public.

Eulogists will include Torme’s five children, Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner, entertainers Donald O’Connor, Harry Anderson, Cliff Robertson and Chuck McCann, author Harlan Ellison and Torme’s longtime manager, Dale Sheets.

Pallbearers will include singers James Darren, Jack Jones and Jerry Vale, bandleader Ray Anthony, comedian Rich Little and a close friend of Torme’s, Bill Shepard.


Torme died Saturday in Los Angeles at the age of 73.
