
Marriage Bill

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* Re “Think First, Then Wed,” editorial, June 2: I want to commend you and Assemblywoman Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) for backing and introducing AB 889, a bill that would place a fact sheet regarding duties and rights in marriage in the hands of those seeking a marriage license. Bravo.

And while we’re at it, why not require a test like the driver’s licenses, to make sure that the postulant has understood. And further, shouldn’t these simple precautions also apply to childbearing and rearing, and finally, to pet ownership? We take these “rights” for granted and plunge into these actions with no clue as to what they entail in time, devotion, intelligence, knowledge, cost or empathy and love.

Let’s get educated first, then can we make educated commitments that will last a lifetime, ours or our creatures committed to, human or otherwise.



Los Angeles
