
Sierra Nevada

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Just one week after your May 15 editorial, “Sierra Needs a Grand Plan,” I was spending time in the Sierra Nevada. Some of my time was spent rejoicing in the sounds, smells and sights of old-growth forest; unfortunately, some of it was spent observing the effects of logging and road building.

The logged area that I was in looked to have been logged for many years, from the old, gray tree stumps; some of the area was replanted--in nature trees do not grow in rows and all the same size. Some of the area was not replanted. And the lack of normal forest sounds that I am used to hearing was a bit frightening. The experience has motivated me to put even more into supporting a plan for the Sierra Nevada that is based on protecting and restoring ecosystems--the conservation plan submitted by the Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign.

I hope that all citizens who love and enjoy and value these forests come forward and support this effort with their comments, so that the Forest Service knows that the American public wants and needs these forests to be preserved.



