
House Defeat of Gun Control

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* Your June 20 editorial regarding the National Rifle Assn. and Congress implies the organization is a few kooks who want kids and felons to have access to guns. This is ridiculous. The organization consists of a great number of people who want to preserve their 2nd Amendment rights from those who want to de facto amend the Constitution. The proponents of strong gun control (i.e., elimination) refuse to frame the debate in terms of a constitutional amendment because they know it’s a loser.

Any human being is shocked and outraged by tragedies like Columbine, which has temporarily created a groundswell to “do something.” What the gun banners don’t talk about is the drastic reduction in crime the right-to-carry gun states have experienced and what might have happened at Columbine if a few teachers had weapons.


Woodland Hills


I have been a registered Republican for 56 years but as of this week I’ll be a Democrat. I am appalled and furious to see the Republicans in the pocket of the NRA, or rather, having been bought by the pocketbook of the NRA. They are now showing their callous disregard for the lives and safety of our children, our citizens and the safety of our streets. As far as I am concerned, the gun control issue will be the litmus test for my votes hereafter.


To say that AK47s and assault rifles are protected by the Constitution for squirrel and rabbit hunting is insulting to the intelligence of everyone. We all know these weapons and the large magazine automatic weapons are for killing people, including us. How can you object to a background check for felons attempting to buy weapons at gun shows and swap meets? For the first time, I am going to actively work for candidates, and none of them will be Republicans.


Santa Ana


Now let me get this straight. A Democrat introduced an amendment to the gun control bill that was passed by a bipartisan majority. But because the amendment was supported by the NRA, 80% of the House Democrats voted to defeat the whole package--even though they agreed with most of it, and none of it could become law until it goes to a conference committee and sustains even more changes.

So now, the media blame the Republicans, the president blames the Republicans and the Democrats blame the Republicans. I think I understand--it’s better to do nothing and blame the Republicans than to do something and make some progress for which they might get credit. Clearly, petty politics has prevailed, and the Democrats have proven their mastery of the art of public pouting and media “spin.” As a lifelong Democrat, I see but one solution--I’ll be calling the Board of Elections and asking to change my voter registration to independent.



Van Nuys


It never falls to amaze me how the House Republicans never seem to get it! Once again they present themselves as both vindictive and spineless in view of their recent votes which fly in the face of those they purport to represent.

As tiresome and opposed as the public was of the impeachment hearings, the Republicans pushed ahead driven by their vindictiveness to get President Clinton. Now the vote against the simple and sensible gun control bill last week, mainly Republican, demonstrates more their fear of the NRA than their respect for the voters.

I can hardly wait for the next election to hear their sickly reasoning as to why the NRA is more important than our schoolchildren or their quest for personal revenge against the president transcends the will of the voters.



Benedict Canyon


Everyone blames someone else for his or her faults or mistakes. Clinton blames the NRA when in fact it’s his fault. He continually reduces problems to politics. He always wants to be the hero who solved the problem. If he would shut up and let those who make laws do their job, we would have a good gun law.


West Covina


I’m sure that our nation’s youth will be grateful that [Republican whip] Rep. Tom DeLay handed them a Bible to use as a shield against an assault rifle attack. His “personal victory” (June 19) in masterminding the defeat of any gun legislation will be a comfort to our children as they recite the Ten Commandments while they are being shot.

What is more important--the right for you and me to own a gun or the right for all Americans to send their children to school without the fear of sniper attack? Never mind, DeLay has already answered that question.


Los Angeles


Citizens are voting less and less as they realize that their votes are meaningless. The House of Representatives’ shameful refusal to enact desperately needed gun legislation despite the will of an overwhelming majority of the people--in this case, well-informed and passionate--will do more to disenchant the public with our political process than any vote in memory.

The House of Representatives, bought and sold by the gun lobby, is in the process of extinguishing, even among the most fervently patriotic among us, any hope that our elected officials can effectively reflect the will of the people.




Vice President Al Gore and his Democrat rival blame congressional Republicans for the overwhelming defeat of the gun control bill (June 19). Yet “only 10 Democrats supported it, joining 137 Republicans.” Somehow I’ve missed the logic of this?



La Canada
