
When Making Up Is Hard to Do

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It’s one of life’s little mysteries. You apply foundation, and a few hours later it disappears.

Why this happens had dermatologists wondering, but what they found out may not be good news for those who like to look good at the gym. During a sweaty workout, makeup oozes off the skin and gets sucked up into hair follicles, said Dr. Martin H. Kay, quoting recent research.

“Presumably the same problem occurs with sunscreen as well,” he said.

For most people, a good face wash will prevent pimples and clogged pores, but those already in need of hypoallergenic makeup are at risk for both. Kay, a dermatologist and doctor of internal medicine with offices in Glendale and Burbank, recommends that if you work out, you should avoid full makeup.


Instead, he said, use a light foundation and try to stay away from eye makeup, especially mascara, which, when combined with sweat, can clog tear ducts.

As more and more women become athletic, cosmetic companies, such as Clinique and Almay, are coming out with workout lines.

Kay, however, said there is no makeup line he can recommend for workouts.

Working out outdoors is a different story.

“A foundation with sunscreen is a good base for the average patient,” he said.

Those with sensitive skin should apply a moisturizer with SPF 15, let it soak in and then add a foundation.
