
A Fulfilled Man

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Thanks for that wonderful feature article about John Cusack (“A Tower of Self-Control,” by Sean Mitchell, April 18). Anyone who has seen any of the countless performances by this talented artist can indeed “know a lot about a person from their air,” as Cusack says. And what we know about him is that he is committed to personal fulfillment through the expression of his unique authenticity by selecting only the creative projects that bring him an inner satisfaction, rather than merely going for external rewards.

In my work as a professional life fulfillment coach--yes, there is in fact such a burgeoning new profession--I am constantly witnessing the transformational powers of authenticity and creativity. Being true to ourselves and tapping into our own creative wells are the crucial first steps in actualizing our unique potential. External rewards and success that we all desire are the byproducts and not the main focus of this process.


West Hollywood
