
My Mom’s the Best Because. . .

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We deserve to be sent to bed with no decaf. Or get a major timeout in Dennis Rodman’s corner. Or have our TV privileges taken away (except when Marge Simpson--or any other classic TV mom--is on).

What were we thinking when we limited readers to 50 words in describing the World’s Greatest Mom?

OK, OK, we apologize to the more than 500 readers who responded to our request for submissions on the World’s Greatest Mom. Most wrote that it would be impossible to describe their mother within such constraints. Instead, people sent pages. And pages. From places including Tokyo and jail. From newborns (written with the help of dads) to 80-year-olds.


We heard about moms who dress like clowns, moms who build pirate ships, moms who are angels in heaven. Some nominated their sisters or grandmothers or friends.

Each was certain that her or his mom was the best; the most common reason cited was their mother’s “unconditional love.” Maybe they didn’t always use those words, but that was the upshot in a letter from Rebecca in Alhambra, who left no last name:

“My grandmother bought me Froot Loops when we couldn’t afford meat,” she wrote, “because she understood that I was 10.”


Here’s a sampling of other submissions:

* My mother, Helen, is always thinking about my brother and me. She also gives us many activities

after school and our homework. She lets me go to Chinese school and even teaches me later! She’s the best mother ever!

Alanna Denton, 6,

Lake Forest

* We’re only allowed 50 words, and Dennis Rodman regularly commands 1,000 or more? My mom is everything Dennis Rodman is not. Consistent in manner and hair color, friendly, caring, warm, no tattoos (Mom, please verify), and, finally, she loves me. I don’t think I can say that of Dennis.


Ken Berry, Laguna Niguel

* My mom makes sandwiches when I am thirsty, when I am hungry and when it is windy.

Jeremiah, 6, Northridge

* I’m home--going through her life’s possessions.

I must choose what I want to keep.

I sob and whisper, “I want to keep it all. I want my Mama.”

35 pounds she was last February.

“How are you, Mama?”

“Pretty good. Be better tomorrow.”

Never a complaint.

Roberta Peighton, Bel Air

* God made a mother with a smile of sunshine, her heart pure of gold and her eyes as bright as the stars above. She has beauty and grace and bursts with pride. I am truly grateful God made a wonder mother and gave that mother to me.

Pamela Sheffer, La Habra

* My mother is the proud mother of six girls. She immigrated to the United States so that her family would have a better life than she did. She has given us the opportunity to make our dreams come true. Her courage, strength, love and forgiving heart are what make her in my eyes the most wonderful mother. I hope that one day I can be the woman she is. Thank you, Mami, for giving me the wings to fly.

Jessianna Sifuentes,


* I will forever remember Mom’s loving care. Mom spent 48 hours at the hospital so my newborn daughter never left my sight and my husband got much-needed rest. When we came home, she stayed for a week. She was up every two hours while I nursed. It was grueling, but she never complained and did it all out of love.

Shannon Schell, Tustin

about Glenna “Nana” Carver,

who is pictured snuggling

granddaughter Rebecca

Schell on E1.

* My mom has great ideas. Once we made barrettes out of Cheetos. On April Fool’s Day, we sewed up the fly on Daddy’s boxers. Another time, we ate dinner in the bathtub! She says life’s too short, so you should have fun! I love her so much!

Caroline, 7, Los Angeles

* My mother’s love is like a blooming garden of flowers. She expresses her love by chauffeuring my sister and me everywhere, and to a nice home-cooked meal. She puts her family before herself, making sure we have everything for school, church and ballet. I love you!

Joanne, 15, Anaheim

* She has a reputation of being a great mother. She is courageous enough to clean my room. She should be a contestant to be one of the most intelligent people on earth. She even has the same first name as our student teacher. She is the greatest mom on our Earth.


Steve, 12, Fullerton

* Mom is the greatest! She loves each of her three daughters 100%. She sees in each child unique and wonderful qualities. Because we all feel so special in her eyes, our sibling relationships have always been ones of respect, love and trust--best friends forever. Thanks Mom!

Ellen Lee Rose, Laguna Hills

* My mother, I cannot live without her. Sometimes I get mad because I do not get what I want. However, I realize that it is just discipline and you have to roll with the punches. She is wonderful. She is smart, elegant and funny. I love her!

Sadia, 13 1/2, Fountain Valley

* Last year, I watched [Mom] hover over my father during a long critical illness, [before] the sudden illness and eventual death of my husband, David. . . . One day, she said . . .: “I wish Dad and I could trade places with David. We had our golden years. Yours are just beginning.”

Linda J. Church, Fullerton

* Mom had the most beautiful hands. Those hands worked a farm field and later raised two children and cared for in-laws, one bedridden. They also playfully cracked an egg on my head! She’s gone now, but as a new mom, I know that she was the World’s Greatest Mom.

Lynn Akamine, Culver City

* My mother has shown me the true meaning of unconditional love. Mom always looks for the goodness in life and the people she meets. I am proud she share her gifts with others.

Keri Scofield Lawson,


* Mom, you’re so wonderful because you’re helpful and loving. The best thing about you, Mom, is when I’m in trouble, you’ll help me. I will love you forever.


Landon, 12, Fullerton

* I have the most delightful mother in the whole world. She is a lovely lady with a sparkling personality and a vivacity that far surpasses her 86 years. She is friendly, gracious and charming, with a ready smile. I absolutely adore her. She’s a living doll!

Nora Leysen, Newport Beach

* Each of us needs to stop and remember our mothers, who carried us, nurtured, prayed over us and guided us daily.

Vivian M. Stinson, Santa Ana

One thing I will always remember is when she won’t let me or my sisters get something, she will say, “I’m the witch mommy” in a funny voice. But I still love her. Sincerely, the best mom in the world’s daughter,

Casey, 10, Malibu

* My mom has given everything for me. She works day and night. She will buy anything I would want. I will never forget this time when she went everywhere looking for money to buy me clothes. Don’t you wish to have my mom?

Julio, 11, Santa Ana

* My mom is Jane.

Sometimes she could be a pain, but she’ll never be vain.

She loves her daughter Katie.

Even though she is a little lady.

She loves her daughters and so.

But sometimes she’s not fun.

I’ll still love you, Mom.

Even when you are gone.

Katie, 11, Fullerton

* What makes my mother the greatest is she’s compassionate, loving and caring. The thing I would never forget is when I did my science project. It was late, but my mom and I got through it. I love my mom very much.

Brian, 11, Fullerton

Her heart of gold shines through all the bad.

Most of the bad has to do with me,

Which makes me quite sad!

This woman is my hero,

She’s everything I wish I could be.

This world would be a better place

If everyone was like she!

Joey Pitson, Beverly Hills

* My mom is so cool! She has never missed a holiday party or field trip at my school. She always does something cool when I get good grades. I’ll never forget how good her dinners taste. She cooks so good its like being at the best restaurant in the world!


Cody, 11, Fullerton

*My father died in 1926, leaving my mother, 34 with three children--8, 5 and 3. Mother rolled up her sleeves, opened a dress shop and raised us through the depths of the Great Depression. And put off remarrying until we were adults! She was truly a woman of valor.

Jerry Cowle,

Pacific Palisades

* My mother is . . .

A storyteller of morals and


A friend to confide and to


An enemy when


A leader when


A soul that comforts a

broken heart,

And she does more

than housework around the house . . . She loves.

Pauline, 14,

Rowland Heights

* Is she the greatest ever? Yes! Covered with honey nuts and chocolate. She doesn’t just look good on the outside. In the middle there’s a huge amount of caramel in the middle. She’s sweet inside and out. People remember her smile and her heart. Her word is loving. She is No. 1.

Amber, 10, Fullerton

* I’ll never forget the sixth day of the seven-day California AIDS ride. I . . . called mom and asked if she [would] whip up a meal. Three hours later we arrived at her doorstep and feasted on . . . home-cooked sopa de albondigas, Mexican rice, tortillas and guacamole.

Theresa Landeros,

Santa Barbara.

* I have the best mom in the world. She is such a hard trier at everything she does. My mom does so much to make me and my big brother happy. I will always remember how she would like to be outside.

Holly, 11, Fullerton

* My mommy cares for me by keeping me clean. She gives to charity. She is a very good seamstress. She is very funny. She is very kind. She dances funny. She is like the moon to us because she is so bright.

Amy, 7, Los Angeles

* My mom is special to me because of her unique ability to give me my space and my much-needed freedom. I love her especially for being a great provider, a wonderful mother, and a perfect woman.


Sean, 13, Costa Mesa

* Mom, these are a few of my favorite things . . . peanut butter on celery, love notes on napkins in brown bag lunches, rainy days in front of the fireplace, little gifts “just because,” baking, antique shopping, teaching me to do laundry, teaching me to be like you. Thank you!!!

Lynn Frawley, Los Angeles

* She teached me since I was 3 years old. Now I am in second grade. I am perfect! All because [of] my mom. She teached me to this grade. I love her!

Kyrstien, 8,

North Hollywood

* Dear all the people who work for the L.A. Times,

We would like to submit our mom, Amy Hobgood. She is the most amazingly wonderful person anyone could ask to be created by.

With lots of love,

Chelsea, 12; Emmylou, 5;

Hank, 23 months; Hollywood

* She took care of four kids by herself. . . . Mom worked at the bank . . . She also had a part-time job at a Mexican restaurant. She used to bring home chile relleno, and a pocket of change for tips--quarters, dimes and pennies. I still love chile rellenos.

Annie G. Ko, Torrance

* You take care of the entire family, and you make sure I’m a perfect little angel. I’ll never, ever forget your fabulous and delicious cooking. You have the best recipe for fried rice and pork chop. You may not look like a world famous super star, with all the pretty clothes and shimmering diamonds, but you sure are the most perfect mom I’ve ever had in my whole life.

Rachel, 12, Fullerton

* My brother and I grew up during the Depression. After his salary had been cut, our father announced that our family [would] get along without “frills,” which included music lessons. Our mother continued our lessons, paying cash to the teacher from her household fund, and admonished us to say nothing.


Nadine Hathaway,

Santa Fe Springs

* My mom is the best in the world because she lets me go off bike jumps and she lets me jump off face-first.

Jason Mathewes, 7,

Mission Viejo

* I wish you were here with me, Mom.

I wish you could be close to me.

I miss all the beautiful words you used to say to me.

I know that you are far away,

But I still feel all the love that you have given me.

Roshelle, 16, Anaheim

* I will never forget when my mom cried because I got a detention and was late. I didn’t tell her I had detention. She wanted to come to school to look for me because she thought something bad had happened to me. I kissed her tears. My mom is the soul of the family. She’s the one that holds the family together. When I get in trouble, my mom is the one that defends me. She also is the one that guides me to a better future.

Maria, 15, Anaheim

* My mother is the best thing I have in the world because she is a wonderful person. I’m so sorry for the people who don’t have a mother. I myself haven’t seen my mother for nine years, or since I was in the third grade. I miss her so much and wish I could go and live with her so she could take care of me. She knows what I need. My father is a good man and takes care of me, but not like my mother. She is the one I love, and she loves me too.

Faten, ninth grade, Anaheim

* My mom is a very nice person, and I love her very much. Sometimes my mother scolds me. But it’s not bad for me. Everything has a deep meaning. So I don’t get mad at my mom.

Dae, ninth grade, Anaheim

* My mother is a beautiful mother. I love her for everything that she gives to me. When I was little, she always talked to me about life. These are the words that she told me, “Son, respect the older people, your teachers, then your brother and sister.” Then she said to keep my mind on school.

Lamasi, ninth grade,


* She’s the greatest mother for loving and wanting to be loved, showing us through flowing tears. . . . Sister won’t live at home. Mother misses her brother who just had surgery. She feels his pain. Such tears are only an invitation to love her for all time.


Wendy, ninth grade,


* Mom is sweet and kind. She always thinks of the right things to say at the right times. She laughs with me when I’m happy, cries with me when I’m sad, and holds my hand when I need her. She’s everything a daughter could wish for and more.

Jamie, 11, Fullerton

* My mom is the best mother in the world because she is gentle and kind. She can cook fish, crab and lobsters. She can be useful at homework, multiplication and computer things. She gives me a present every Christmas. She offers things. She can make a lily out of paper. She makes a child happy.

Jimmy, 8, Westminster

* My mother recently turned 70 years young, and the most important value she has taught me is the meaning of family. Widowed at 53, she buried her eldest son in January. Strong and focused, Mom is always there for her family through good and bad times, asking nothing in return.

Cheryl Volk Roth,

Lake Forest

* God made a special mother for each child, and I think he blessed me the most. Mom, if you’re reading this, I want you to know that even though you try to be a better Mom, I love you, Mom, exactly the way God made you. So don’t ever change!

Jamie, 11, Fullerton

* My mom is the world’s greatest mom.

I’m the youngest of nine.

Myself and my siblings all love her with the same intensity.

The essence of life is to care.

The beauty of life is to give.

My mom is a caring beauty.

Stanley L. Chandler,

Huntington Beach

* My mother is the greatest because she is so caring. All she wants is the best for me. She doesn’t try to spoil me silly, she just loves me. . . . If I need somebody to talk to, she is there, and always will be.

Fallon, 11, Fullerton

* My mom is the best mom in the world. My mom helps with my homework. My mom helps me with my math. My mom makes cakes for me. My mom gives me money. My mom can do tricks on her bike.


Luis, 8, Westminster

* A mother is a true friend. When I fall, she is my support. When I feel sadness, she is my cheerfulness. She is my world because she gives me a lot of understanding, love, friendship and everything that I need. She gives me everything to complete my world. I love my mother like the earth loves the sun.

Viviana, ninth grade,


* Our mother is truly wonderful,

In a countless number of ways.

She has only known hard-working sacrifice,

All her livelong days.

She has raised her many children,

While teaching them well;

Feeding them, clothing them . . .

Providing them a clean home in which to dwell.

(There is more greatness in our mother--

Than fifty mere words could ever tell!)

Victoria Lynn Motte,

Mission Viejo

Cynthia Jennifer Vivona,

San Ramon

Mark James Haley,

San Clemente

* So gentle--so very kind

My pillar in every way.

Her courage is my sunshine

Her guidance helps me through the day

My mother now in her senior years

Survived the savages of war.

Always there to dry my tears

When life as refugees became hard to bear.

Gertraud Gaertner, Cypress

* I remember someone saying when you marry, you marry the whole family. I was assured of my spouse once I met his mother. And, yes, I am most grateful my children’s genes are part hers.

With a working mother and no father, Virginia first raised her twin sisters, nine years younger. She then gave her heart to a son and two daughters.

Although 40- and 50-year-old children are independent, parenting never ends. Her maternal skills are in full use now as she struggles with the daily care of a husband who has had a series of strokes.

Thank you for being a mother to me. Thank you for guiding and caring for my children. Thank you for the college funds you have set up . . . so that your heritage will continue.

Cori Miller, Fullerton

* My mom is the best in the world. She raised me without complaint, no matter how bad I was. I broke windows when I played baseball; I fought with others for a piece of candy. Mom apologized to the victims’ parents with a measure of embarrassment, which made me understand what a jerk I was. I know she will always love me, even though I am sometimes a jerk.


Scott Chen, Anaheim

* There is only one person

Who cares for me

Who really loves me

Who has been working for me

Who worries about me.

There is only one person

Who would sacrifice her life for me

Who helps me in those bitter moments

And relieves my pain.

This special person is

My mother.

Teresa Hernandez, Anaheim

* My mother is like an angel to me. Every time I get into trouble, she is always behind me, pushing me to find a solution to my problem. Also, when I fall down, she picks me up and helps me on my way to adulthood.

Jose Castro, Anaheim

* My mom is the best because she rubs my back when I feel sick. She is kind to animals and children. She is a good listener when I have something to tell her. She is my best friend. I love my mom very much!!

Aimee, Huntington Beach

* My mom is the nicest person I have ever known. If you see her, you can tell how nice she is just by her smile and the twinkle in her eyes. I hope that everyone has as wonderful a mom as I do.

Jason, 12, Fullerton

* My mom can help me with my homework. She makes me dinner. She can make me smile even when I am sad. She makes me ice cream. We always go shopping together. She is kind. I love having a mom like my mom.

Rebekah, 8, Westminster

* My mom is the best because she is intelligent, excellent, brave, kind and great. My mom is excellent because she can tell me jokes, she writes in a journal and she plays with me. She rents movies and buys me cappuccino at AM/PM. My mom buys me new shoes, new toys, a skateboard and a pair of roller blades. She is an artist like me. She makes me an origami rabbit and she draws pictures of blue jays.

Isaac, 8, Westminster

* My mom is very pretty,

and very kind too,

I think what makes her so special,

is she’s always happy,

and bright in bloom.

She’s always very playful,

and when you’re depressed she’ll cheer you,

and she always is a peacemaker.

Anyhow, I love my mom!

Mira, 10, Fullerton

* My mom is very good to me and my brother. She takes us to the park. She helps us do homework. She never hits us. She tells us to play with good friends, not with bad friends. She is the best mom.


Jose, 13, Santa Ana

* I have the very best mother in the world because when I’m feeling blue or I get an ‘F’ on my test, my mom will make me feel better and she will help me on whatever I do wrong.

Amber, 12, Fullerton

* My mom has always been there in bad times and good. I love my mother a lot because she is nice and gentle.

Filiberto, 14, Santa Ana

* My mom, Anna, likes to eat bananas. She’s as gentle as a mouse and she has a great big house. When I want a toy she’ll look at me with joy. She tells me to ask my dad, but that never makes me mad. She’s the world’s greatest mom!

Michelle, 11, Fullerton

* My mother is pretty, nice and my best friend. Sometimes we play games together. She always takes care of me. My mother is the best in the whole world . . . but I can not tell her how much I love her because my love for her is more than my life.

Vanessa, ninth grade,


* My mother is always there for me. Whether I’m being silly, or cranky, or trying to learn a new task with dogged determination, she is always available with a ready hug. She lets me make my own choices while at the same time is my guiding light. She is my rock, and I owe everything I am to her. I love her with all my heart.

Jodie, 5, Orange

* My mother is the best because she helps me in everything and understands me. She likes to teach me new things and helps me in my homework. My mom has time for me. She supports me. My mom is No. 1.


Ana, 12, Santa Ana

* My mom is so wonderful because she helps me to get my homework done, and to study hard for the tests. When I play a hockey game at Glacial Gardens, she always cheers for the Wizards and me.

Skyler, 11, Fullerton

* I love Mom. Each and every day she works hard. You’re nice, outrageously funny and you are lovely. Happy Mother’s Day with hugs and kisses.

Shelly, Huntington Beach

* My mother is the best mother in the world because she is kind and nice. She is helpful to poor people, too. My mother can build houses with Lego blocks and she can cook too. She draws and colors pretty. She gives me money and on my birthday she gives me presents. My mother is the best because she plays music and bakes cakes that taste so yummy.

Erika, 8, Westminster

* My mom is a friend of mine. She talks to me if I have problems and scolds me if I make one. She loves, encourages and teaches me. I once said I will love her even if we’re far apart, and I will keep that promise forever.

Sara, 12, Fullerton

* Having a mother is the greatest gift a child can receive. My mother is a really nice and generous, loving mother. Not a perfect mother, but really close to being one. My mother has short wavy hair and never quits putting on makeup. She is the greatest mother in the world!

Scott, 12, Fullerton

* My mom is the best mom in the world because she is an excellent cook. My mom helps me with my homework and helps me with my math. She makes cakes for me and my dad. My mom gives me money when she can. I will remember my mom forever because she always makes me happy.


Cesar, 8, Westminster

* My mom is the greatest mom for me,

She said she would always be there.

I love her pretty smiles,

But she hates to run miles.

Still, I would always remember

How much she loves and cares for me

I love you, Mom, and Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Sarah, 11, Fullerton

* My mother is the best. We laugh, we fight, we sometimes talk to each other like brother and sister. She goes to work, cleans our house and takes my little sister to school. Mom took care of me when I was a baby. Now I would like to take care of her as she grows old.

Hector, 16, Anaheim

* My mother is 46 years old . . . has blond hair, is sweet and has two sons. She is fun and very interesting. She is also a nurse. She enjoys going places and is very loving. She has always been friendly. She’s the best mom.

Mike, 12, Fullerton

* My mother is the best mom in the world because she lets me watch the Disney movie on Sundays. Sometimes she lets me go to my neighbor’s house to watch. My mom can also sew dresses and make cakes and other food. My mother gives me dollars, books and hugs. I will remember my mother forever because she makes me enjoy the days.

Marisol, 8, Westminster

* When I’m sick or whenever I need my mom, she will always be with me. That’s the best thing about my mom. Mom’s picture, Mom’s laugh, Mom’s love I will remember forever and ever.

Erica, 12, Fullerton

* I love my mom because when we were little kids, she did everything for us. So, now that we are older, we do it for her. But we have to make sure that she gets respect because we only have one mother and we have to take care of her.

Adrian Bernal, ninth grade,


* My mom is the greatest mom in the world. She is tall with dark hair and light skin and has curly hair with highlights. She loves to go to Taco Bell, parties and weddings. But I love my mom because I think she’s wonderful.


Viviana, 12, Fullerton

* My mother is the best mother in the world. My mother is a good artist. She can swim good. My mom cares for us. My mother makes good sandwiches for lunch. My mother fixes toys. My mom can ride a bike good. My mom can cook well. She can tell a good story. My mother gives me toys. My mother gives me love. I will remember my mother forever even when she dies because she is special to me.

Daniel, 8, Westminster

* My mom is a special person. She always worries about me and my sisters. She wants me and my sisters to have the best. Sometimes I get in trouble because I forget to do something, so she gets mad--and then she hugs me.

Ana Cristina, 14, Anaheim

* Hundreds of stars in the sky.

Hundreds of shells on the shore.

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the lawn.

Hundreds of hummingbirds in the clover.

Hundreds of butterflies among the flowers.

But only one mother.

Son, 16, Anaheim

* [My mom] is the best mother in the world. Why? Because she watches over me, protects me, gives me love and likes doing what I like doing. She is wonderful because she’s understanding. What I like about my mom is that she’s always there for me. I love my mom.

Ivette, 12, Fullerton

* My mom is a pretty nice person. When my friends visit me, my mom offers them food and drink. My mom lets me do what I want in my house, but she always reminds me, “Just do not make a mess.”

Juan, 14, Anaheim

* My mom can paint good paintings. She gives good food to me and my family. My mom makes tamales that are good. I will remember my mom forever because she is very good to me. I like to be with her.

Memo, 8, Westminster

* My mom’s hands are big enough to handle my life.

They support me.

She doesn’t mention the wrinkles.

I welcome her touch.

Tuyen Le, 18, Anaheim

* My mom is the sunshine, my only sunshine. . . . She loves everyone even if they’re ill or homeless. Even though she will die, her loving attitude will always be my sunny sunshine.


Christine, 11, Fullerton

* Having such a great mother like you is a gift to me from God. You care, love and support me. You always look out for me. When I have a problem, you are the only person I can talk to.

Cyrile, 16, Anaheim

* My mom can ride a bike, play games, make up stories and help my brother and sister. She gives us presents on our birthday, like pencils and toys. She cooks food, like rice, beans and meat. I will always remember my mother because I like it when we spend those times together.

Nancy, 8, Westminster

* My mother’s heart is inside with my heart.

Her heart loves me.

My heart respects her.

We are one.

Linh Vo, 18, Anaheim

* My mom is really wonderful because she is the kind of person you would want to talk to. She gives me advice on things I need to know when I get older. She’s also the person who knows what I’m living through and helps me.

Alex, 11, Fullerton

* My mom is the greatest mom in the world. She hugs me, she kisses me and she talks to me when I have a problem. She buys me wonderful things. She has brown hair and eyes. She is a very reliable Christian. She sings in the choir. She is wonderful.

Christin, 11, Fullerton

* My mom is the best mom in the world to me. She takes me everywhere with her. She brought me two CDs that I wanted. She is the nicest mom.

Melanie, Huntington Beach

* I love my mom because she loves me. She shows it by sending me mail even though we live in the same house. She is my “best” friend and confidante. I will love my mom forever and ever.


Kaitlyn, 12, Fullerton

* My mother is the No. 1 mom in the whole wide world. The favorite thing I like about my mommy is that she makes delicious food. This is what I like about my pretty, beautiful mommy.

Erica, 12, Santa Ana

* My mother is funny. She laughs a lot too. She cooks my sister and me dinner. She is friendly and loving and also smart. The thing that I’ll remember is she has a loud and great laugh.

Antonio, 12, Fullerton

* Beautiful, lovable, humorous and kind is the description of my mom. My mom is probably, or is, the best mom in the world. I will remember her forever and love her forever. The best thing about my mom is she is always there for me. I will always love her.

Steve, 10, Fullerton

* My mom loves me. I love my mom because she helps me if I do not feel better.

Mary, Huntington Beach

* My mom is one of a kind

She is caring and nice

I think she’s more than sugar and spice

She’s the greatest

She’s the best

She’s above the rest

When I’m feeling sad

She always makes me glad

I’ll remember her more than any other

For she’s my mother

Jason, 10, Fullerton

* There is one way I can explain my mom and only one way: She loves me. She puts me to bed and makes me breakfast every morning. But the one thing I like most about my mom is she is always there to love me!

Angela, 11, Fullerton

* Happiness, joy, sweetness, being lovable and more are things that a very special mom should have. . . . My mother does, because she is a very special mom that is able to be nice or strict, but she is always lovable, to me.

Fred, 12, Fullerton



More on Mom

* Please see Sunday’s Southern California Living Kids’ Reading Room page for more of your letters about your mothers. And you can check our Web site at:
