
Belittling Vegetarian’s Pain Is Typical Carnivore Behavior

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The letter from Darren Roberts [“Taco Bell and the Afterlife,” Letters, April 11] in response to the story of a Hindu man who sued Taco Bell after biting into a bean burrito containing meat was scary.

Mr. Roberts’ ignorance of Hindu values and his intolerance for religious beliefs other than his own are the kinds of views that lead to abhorrent hate crimes such as dragging people behind trucks.

In typical carnivore fashion, he belittles the pain of the vegetarian who inadvertently eats meat. Taco Bell advertises that they do not use lard in their beans or tortillas.


This is the sort of information vegetarians use to choose eateries. The fact that Taco Bell employs teenage minimum-wage workers is no excuse for bad quality control.

To any vegetarian, this is an open-and-shut case of food contamination (and arguably of food poisoning).

As to whether the man could have called his guru on the phone instead of flying to England for advice: Does Mr. Roberts know enough about Hinduism to know if the guru had to touch the man to see the extent to which his soul was damaged? This was not a case of someone trying to become an instant millionaire, like so many of today’s frivolous lawsuits. The suit was for $144,000 and was settled (presumably for less).


I advise Mr. Roberts and others like him to learn some tolerance before it’s too late.

