
Beverly Hills Set to Vote on Fur Warning Labels

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In elections today, Beverly Hills residents will decide whether they want furriers to put warning tags on their garments, Redondo Beach voters will elect their first new city clerk in 17 years and Bell Gardens residents will vote for candidates vying for the seats of three City Council incumbents facing a recall.

In Beverly Hills, ballot initiative Proposition A would require that any garment with fur valued at more than $50 be tagged with a warning label unless the store owner can show proof that the animal died under humane conditions.

The tags, the size of a credit card, would read: “Consumer notice: This product is made with fur from animals that may have been killed by electrocution, gassing, neck breaking, poisoning, clubbing, stomping or drowning and may have been trapped in steel-jaw, leg-hold traps.”


In Redondo Beach, two candidates are vying to replace John Oliver, who has been city clerk since 1982. Oliver ran for reelection and received only 18% of the March vote.

In Bell Gardens, voters will decide whether to replace two councilmen and the mayor, who also sits on the council. On the same ballot, voters will choose their replacements, if any.

The council members who are facing recall are David Torres, Salvador Rios and Mayor Joaquin Penilla.
