
L.A. to NFL: What’s It Worth to You?

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Regarding Hector Hernandez’s May 8 letter about the NFL returning to L.A.:

No, you are not the only one who isn’t clamoring for the NFL to bring a new football team to Los Angeles.

If the league wants to have a presence in L.A., well and good. However, the city should ensure that no taxpayer dollars be thrown to the billion-dollar NFL. Don’t build a stadium; don’t provide tax benefits; don’t become hypnotized by rubbing shoulders with high-flying aristocrats.

The city is in the catbird seat and need not provide incentives. This major media market would be a plum for the league. They need L.A. far more than L.A. needs an NFL team.


If we don’t build it, they still will come.

J. CHERUB, Laguna Beach


I always look forward to the Saturday Times because of your Viewpoint section. Hector Hernandez of Orange really nailed it. Among my friends, golfing buddies and co-workers, there is no one, not one, who is the least interested in which area fat cat is to be anointed as the fattest cat in the race to see who will make the rest of the NFL owners even fatter. Let us hope that we can keep the NFL out of L.A. and L.A. out of the NFL.



In response to Allen E. Kahn’s letter of May 8, there is only one choice for the name of the proposed NFL expansion franchise here in Los Angeles.

If San Diego can name a stadium after a sportswriter, why can’t we name a team after the best one ever? We should call the team the Murrays.


